magical mystery tour
dad almost turn out
a ghost driver
night train fool on the hill fool in my head
perfume clouds girls flying on e
halfway to nowt a blue jay de-feathered
frying meatballs
mum sings a song
her mother knew
drunken teen he is me like I am him the walrus
a boy leaves
walking backwards
taking me down strawberry hats of lead
rain a penny for every lane I walk alone
human zoo a rich man calls himself "Baby"
knowing what I need and live pale penguin
dad almost turn out
a ghost driver
night train fool on the hill fool in my head
perfume clouds girls flying on e
halfway to nowt a blue jay de-feathered
frying meatballs
mum sings a song
her mother knew
drunken teen he is me like I am him the walrus
a boy leaves
walking backwards
taking me down strawberry hats of lead
rain a penny for every lane I walk alone
human zoo a rich man calls himself "Baby"
knowing what I need and live pale penguin