Diary haiku

Feb. 21.st 2011

walking ::: the road is patched up too


remains of ice ::: scent of freshly baked bread


slow clouds ::: checking the rust on my bicycle


the road turns ::: I pause on my mala


dusk ::: trying out a mantra in Sankrit


no moon ::: the ”r's” in Sankrit not easy for my tongue


May 27, 2011

changing a gasket two white butterflies of death


still windy the cat food tipped over The Big Dipper


a bumblebee this year it's checking the windows again


solid air the bumblebee never grasped the conception of glass


tripping over Ancient Greece pile of cheap art books tilted


dusting off the Virgin laying her back on the shelf cardboard icon


surreal pornographic drawing dense adolescent boys room


first heat the old woman still wear boots


happy neighbour he's got a new golden car


taking the golden car apart ::: even riches even riches ...
