March 31, 2011


first lapwing -
from the asylum
seven strange hairstyles


the first lapwing -
now spring has come
according to the song

March 30, 2011


end of March -
a war-god makes room
for a flock of sheep


(an old Dk name for April is Sheep-month)

March 29, 2011

Fri Haiku

New edition of "Fri Haiku" Swedish web publication with participants in more languages incl. English.

New edition of Roadrunner


round a needles eye
a gathering of camels and penguins -
I dip one foot

March 28, 2011

March 27, 2011

March 24, 2011


girls drawing crooked
hopscotch squares -
Japan trembles

haiku - more spring

spring parade -
a book reavels
a hidden maze


pollen attack -
a brain-flower releases
a flying army


Bollywood movie I tap my feet in Denmark


money worries -
a spring sun makes faces
in the ice free lake

March 23, 2011

March 21, 2011

March 18, 2011

haikus of spring

paper ladder
onwards upwards


mud tiger -
I sprinkle the earth
with mirrors


potential snowmen
invading the spring-room
hardly furbished


this snowman
still a foetus
what a handful


umbilical cord -
a tightrope
for angels

March 16, 2011


not rocking the globe -
me and my shadow
play hide and seek

March 14, 2011


back from a dream
now I know the names
of raindrops


setting a kite adrift
in a future summer -
my grandchildrens laughter

March 10, 2011


the rooms of philosphy
branching off from this beetle
rolling dung

March 08, 2011

5 sunrays - haiku

5 sunrays
traversing space
to enter my coffee


5 sunrays
- no names mentioned -
1 for each finger


5 sunrays
shaping a blackbird
better than I could


5 sunrays
blinding a truckdriver
killing a deer


5 sunrays
pushing a shiny jetplane -
it carries world peace


on the edge
of a visiting night -
5 sunrays


March 06, 2011

crypto zoology

Yesterday I watched a couple of tv-shows about cryto zoology and the hunt for Big Foot and had a hard time finding out if it was a joke or not. Anyway, some haiku came out of it.


rehearsing crypto zoology
I lay a trap
for my lost slipper


hunting the Big Foot -
he goes to the hypermaket
with binoculars


crypto zoologist -
the way he looks
at his wife


crypto zoology -
who could imagine
I would exist?


checking his carpet
for unknown prints
the crypto zoologist hovers up from bed


studying his kids hair
under a microscope
the crypto zoologist


every morning
measuring his canines
crypto zoologist

March 05, 2011


humming 24 - 7
the ventilator
the universe


born and born again
a god keeps putting coins
on my eyelids

March 03, 2011


March -
even in a war-gods' garden
a touch of spring


March -
for a month I duck arrows
from a war-god


March -
the name of a war-god
woven in crocus

March 01, 2011