December 28, 2013
170 syllables
December 21, 2013
ear yummy
December 13, 2013
My Favourite Things - ku sequence
December 09, 2013
the lark's nest
November 15, 2013
the parcel
"What's in it?"
"What's in what?"
"WHAT is in it?"
"You're repeating yourself. I haven't got the faintest idea of what you're talking about."
"What is in that box there?" he said and pointed to a small parcel lying by the window.
"I don't know. I haven't seen it before."
He walked over to the window and looked at it curiously and a bit distrusting. He bowed down to study it. The parcel did nothing.
"Go on then. Take a look."
"HA! Funny man, eh?"
I knew very well he couldn't touch it, couldn't examine it. As a rather fleeting and etherial being he couldn't interact with that world which is physical to me, to us.
the-whole-in-the water test
an uncaring moon
"You open it and show me what it is".
"Why? I'm busy doing other things and besides if it was important I'm sure whoever put it there would have said something".
"Busy!? That'll be a first. Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes isn't exactly "busy"". Come on, pleeeease".
"I'm reading a book too" I said licking my thumb and forefinger to turn over a page demonstratively loud. He wouldn't be able to.
"Pf" he said and raised his head. He stood with his hands behind his back, swaying back and forth on his feet and began to whistle "Le Marseillaise" very loud.
I said nothing. I rather - and not very kindly - enjoyed his frustrated state. He was getting more and more tense but that's how it is when you really really want something you can't get anyway near and it's just under your nose.
under the cloud of unknowing I don't open my umbrella
"If you don't behave I'll turn out the light and then you what will happen"
"Wanker" he said but he knew that would mean he'd just merge with the other shadows.
September 27, 2013
September 15, 2013
days of being wild (in moderation) - haibun
September 14, 2013
a bite of heaven
abide a bite of heaven in a toothless mouth
you don't have to answer but have you ever thought about that what we're doing when we do stuff is filling out the time of waiting before enlightenment and moksha and seeing that we were born and now we have to got through all kinds of motions and moods and heartbreaking or toe-wringing events like holding a girl in the hand though all your pals think girls are stupid
abiding a biting off the far corner of paradise
but you find out you really like girls of almost all varieties but you still haven't the biology to know 'what to do' with them (there it is again: DO! DODODODODO) and you a vague feeling that this could be something that would make the wait bearable and years later you know you were right
yellowing lacewing Chagall's goat plays off key
and you end up seeing through things and that what you do between birth and death is just making time pass in the least inconvenient way but that takes some practise and you're a slow learner you didn't die young though you had all the chances to so you decide not to be in a waiting position/mode any more but do something worthwhile life is more than waiting it's also grabbing hold of it ceasing the day and so on
low sun cars pull up for the Friday dance
and you grab the phone to let your nearest and dearest know but they're not picking up it's 3.30 AM and you dig out a cigar you bought last Christmas the one where you didn't snow in and smoke in peace
half a moon the folks downstairs fight over the dog
August 22, 2013
and ... a haibun sequence
August 16, 2013
haiga book
Read it here

August 10, 2013
August 01, 2013
(some) self-medication
self-medication I lie down on my shadow
self-medication an ocean at the end of my (yellow) finger
self-medication one step sideways at noon
July 26, 2013
New book
In a week's time it'll be available at Amazon too
Free dowload/read (e-book)
July 24, 2013
coins - a haibun
July 22, 2013
July 21, 2013
night train
July 15, 2013
Slime Monday
July 10, 2013
one red aphid
is the red one
I put my hammer to work
on Livjatan
July 08, 2013
July 07, 2013
New book / Ny bog

Min bog med lænket haiku i to sprog: "notes 10 11 -12 / notes 10 11 -12" er blevet udgivet på Yet To Be Named Free Press.
My own Intro:
June 27, 2013
June 04, 2013
Cheese Burger - haibun
June 02, 2013
Black and White Cat - haibun
May 27, 2013
The Bore Monster - haibun
May 13, 2013
Legion - haibun
May 12, 2013
Spanish Melons / Spanske meloner
May 10, 2013
No Wind / Ingen vind
May 09, 2013
Attenborough - a haibun
May 08, 2013
Bladder / Blære
May 07, 2013
Milk / Mælk
May 06, 2013
May 05, 2013
May 03, 2013
April 13, 2013
going home
dad almost turn out
a ghost driver
night train fool on the hill fool in my head
perfume clouds girls flying on e
halfway to nowt a blue jay de-feathered
frying meatballs
mum sings a song
her mother knew
drunken teen he is me like I am him the walrus
a boy leaves
walking backwards
taking me down strawberry hats of lead
rain a penny for every lane I walk alone
human zoo a rich man calls himself "Baby"
knowing what I need and live pale penguin